Webhook for Order Status


Webhook for Order Status

Webhook will call merchant when order payment success/ failed/ overtime/ overtime and pay successfully.



After the payment is completed, the relevant payment results and user information will be sent to the merchant in JSON format. The merchant needs to receive and process them, and respond according to the documentation specifications.

The same notification may be sent to the merchant multiple times. The merchant must correctly handle duplicate notifications.

The notification will be resent until merchant's response HTTP status code is 200 and the return msg contains "success".

Multiple notification attempts may occur in such cases. The notification frequency is as follows:

  • For orders within 10 minutes, a request will be made every 10 seconds.
  • For orders within 1 hour, a request will be made every 1 minute.
  • For orders within 24 hours, a request will be made every 10 minutes.


The merchant system must verify the signature of the payment result notification and check whether the returned order amount matches the amount on the merchant side. This is to prevent "false notifications" caused by data leaks, which could lead to financial losses.

When processing a notification, the merchant should first check the status of the corresponding business data to determine if the notification has already been processed. If not processed, the merchant should proceed with handling. If already processed, the merchant can return a success response directly.

Before performing status checks and processing business data, the merchant should use data locks for concurrent control to prevent data confusion caused by function re-entry.

Fields with values of null should not be included in the signature.

Webhook Parameters

orderNoYstring64Order number
userIdYstring128User id (email or phone number)
merchantOrderNoYstring64User transaction number
orderCurrencyYstring32Fiat Currency of order (USD/EUR)
orderAmountYstring16Order amount (Cent)
payCryptoRateYstring16Payment crypto rate (to USDT)
payFiatRateYstring16Payment Fiat rate (to USD)
payCryptoCurrencyYstring32Token of payment
payCryptoVolumeYstring16Amount of token payment
payCryptoNetworkYstring32Network of token payment
failReasonYstring256Fail reason
feeYstring16Handling Fee
customParamNobject512Customizable fields

Webhook Example


    "fee": "2",
    "hxAddress": "2b04aa547740d8de8d442bc1827457b3e9bf4551234567893c319",
    "merchantOrderNo": "to_4bc9603bc5c123456",
    "orderAmount": "100",
    "orderCurrency": "USD",
    "orderNo": "3002172361782345678",
    "orderStatus": "COMPLETED",
    "payCryptoCurrency": "USDT",
    "payCryptoNetwork": "TRX",
    "payCryptoRate": "1",
    "payCryptoVolume": "102",
    "payFiatRate": "1",
    "settlementAmount": "100",
    "settlementCurrency": "USD",
    "sign": "C615A4F6436CAA3C5B74AA80AF0CF08D342E7C49D0164765D3563EC3E3E61F889E9B46BB1E6F1EEEB28280DA233B81E31591C8B1A33C0EE7969CD3",
    "userId": "u_dabd123456"


    "payCryptoCurrency": "USDT",
    "vCryptoNetwork": "BTC",
    "payCryptoRate": "123.4",
    "payCryptoVolume": "123",
    "payFaitRate": "1.23",
    "customParam": "customParam",
    "failReason": "crypto or network inconsistent",
    "fee": "1.1",
    "hxAddress": "aweweas",
    "merchantOrderNo": "9999999999",
    "orderAmount": "12",
    "orderCurrency": "EUR",
    "orderNo": "3002171775252640030",
    "orderStatus": "CLOSE",
    "sign": "B42DA144E9BD180F83E8E7EBD2A9F933798616819FF1BBD4C84081073ECB85BD67F850D25303C5FD9CDF17FE82DD4DD0AAA44F9B7D6121EF17DE3428EFF1C",
    "userId": "[email protected]"

Description of Order Status

COMPLETEDPayment success
CLOSEPayment close
TIMEOUTPayment cancel
FAILEDPayment failure
DELAY_SUCCESSOrder overtime and payment success
DELAY_FAILEDOrder overtime and payment failed