API Integration


Support user gets their favour MEME coin more easy and efficiently.

Quick Start

Contact us to get a merchant account.

Environmental Information

Sandbox Environment: https://test-api.aeon.xyz/purchase
Production Environment: https://api.aeon.xyz/purchase

Merchant Configuration

These information should be given for configuration.

Configuration itemsMandatoryDetails
codeYMerchant name, use for api request
nameYName of market place, show in payment process and order details
iconYUrl of market place icon, show in payment process and order details
typeYType of market:
02: Swap contract
chainYSwap chain(network parameter, etc: BSC)
BSC:BNB Smart Chain
ETH:Ethereum Mainnet
contractYSwap contract address
fundTokenSymbolYSwap contract token symbol
fundTokenDecimalsYSwap contract token decimal digits
fundTokenIconYSwap contract token icon

Checkout Example