Query Order
After user pay for order, merchant can update order status by using this interface.
API Description
Request Method:POST
Request Path:open/api/payment/query
Request Parameter
Parameter | Sign | Mandatory | Type | Length | Remarks |
appId | Y | Y | string | 64 | merchant appid |
merchantOrderNo | Y | Y | string | 64 | merchant order number |
sign | N | Y | string | 256 | sign |
"appId": "TEST000001",
"sign": "TEST000001",
"merchantOrderNo": "11126"
Response Parameter
Parameter | Sign | Type | Length | Remarks |
success | Y | boolean | / | Mark of success |
error | Y | boolean | / | Mark of error |
code | Y | long | / | Response code |
msg | Y | string | / | Response message |
traceId | Y | String | / | TraceId |
model | Y | object | / | Response content |
└─orderNo | Y | String | 64 | AEON order number |
└─orderStatus | Y | String | 32 | Order status |
└─userId | Y | String | 128 | User ID(email or phone number) |
└─userIp | Y | String | 128 | User IP address |
└─usdAmount | Y | String | 32 | Order amount count as USD |
└─fiatAmount | Y | String | 32 | Order amount count as local fiat |
└─fiatCurrency | Y | String | 32 | Fiat currency of user paid |
└─fiatRate | Y | String | 16 | Fiat currency exchange rate to USD |
└─fee | Y | String | 16 | Transaction fee count as USD |
└─qrCode | Y | String | 128 | QRcode address |
└─merchantOrderNo | Y | String | 64 | Merchant order number (uniqle) |
└─failReason | Y | string | 256 | Failure reason |
└─orderTime | N | string | 64 | UTC+8 time zone, formatted as yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss |
Order Status
Code | Details |
PENDING | During the payment process |
COMPLETED | Payment success |
FAILED | Payment failure |
"code": "0",
"msg": "success",
"model": {
"orderNo": "31313131311111",
"orderStatus": "COMPLETED",
"userId": "[email protected]",
"userIp": "",
"usdAmount": "10.01",
"fiatAmount": "100001",
"fiatCurrency": "VND",
"fiatRate": "2111",
"fee": "2.1",
"qrCode": "00020101021138580010A000000727012800069704070114190360421800120208QRIBFTTA53037045802VN830084006304EDC5",
"merchantOrderNo": "313131",
"failReason": "",
"orderTime": "2023-12-09 18:34:26"
"traceId": "66cff1bec8a8a398c1c8e80e38e7572e",
"success": true,
"error": false
Updated 5 days ago